Friday, May 4, 2012

Micki Is On Her Way

July 7th, 2007 - The warm sun and the soft summer temperatures are the perfect ingredients for puppy playtime, and these puppies were ready to rumble.  Being the smallest puppy in this litter of 8 was no obstacle for Micki.  They were out in their little yard tumbling, rough housing and exploring as I arrived that morning.  Since Karen had told me that Micki was the smallest in the litter, I had no trouble picking her out of the 'crowd'.  I picked her up, held her on her back in my arms and rubbed her little chest - she liked it.  I talked to her for a long time, and then I put her down.  When Karen came out to talk with me, all the puppies scampered over to her familiar voice and smell... and then Micki turned, looked at me and came tumbling back to me so I could pick her up - this was my little companion.

My dear son and daughter in law had invited me to stay with them that night, before we made the long car trip home the next day.  Brave souls to let me keep this small puppy in the house, but they were good people, and as you can see, we got along quite well.
My son has always liked dogs, and Micki was no exception.  We had a long evening ahead of us, so we took advantage of the beautiful weather that evening.  The two of them bonded right away.

and then the fun began - it was hard to take photos when they both started to get a little wild.  I'm not sure just who started it, but it seems to me that my son has that particular glint in his eyes - can you see it?

Micki had had brothers to play with, but they had not been as big as my son... but never one to back down from a challenge, even at that tender age, Micki entered into the spirit of the game.

My son and daughter in law had provided the perfect setting for the first evening with this little bundle of energy, and it gave me time to spend a quiet evening with the two of them.  I remember it as if it were yesterday.  The following day we woke early and drove the long eight hour drive home... with multiple stops on the way.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Therapy Dog training is hard work !!

The training starts very early, and lucky puppies have a long time to become accustomed to enjoying people and becoming calm and patient, but of course there is a certain amount of 'adjustment', and that's where the helpers come in.  As you can see here, my brother in law has his own style to make sure that Micki sits calmly and quietly for her photo session... and see how Micki sits quietly??

and then there is a different style of obedience training - perfected by my sister, who also knows a thing or two about therapy dog training.  A therapy-dog-in-training has never had it so good!!!

Children's Museum - Part II !!

The Children's Museum was a wonderful experience for both of us, and I am learning how 'cool' Micki is when she is around other people.  She always 'checks in' with me, to make sure I am watching out for her.. "how am I doing, Mom?"

But she is also learning how to connect with her visitors.  This little girl was afraid when Micki tried to walk up to her, so the little girl kept backing away when Micki approached - but as you can see, they worked this out very nicely together.  The photo that I missed was when the little girl stood up and very gently hugged Micki before walking away.

My little "star" met and was petted by over 200 people that Saturday, and she would have stayed longer if we had had the opportunity.  She had a very good time!

The Children's Museum - a Must for Every Therapy Dog !

"Delta Society" (our Therapy Dog organization) sent out a request to its members to participate in a presentation at our Children's Museum.  They wanted therapy dogs and their owners to help a veterinarian demonstrate how to be responsible pet owners and to show children how to be good pet owners, so one Saturday Micki and I volunteered to be a part of the program.  The museum is beautiful, and it was a rainy Saturday morning, so there were lots of people there!

First, the veterinarian demonstrated how she listens to a new pet's heart - as you can see, Micki has a good relationship with her 'doctors'.

Then Micki got down on the floor for a little "one-on-one" that was enjoyed by all !!

But through all of this, Micki was calm and collected, and seemed to really enjoy the attention - as you can see, she was really enjoying herself, although she did 'check in' with me occasionally, just to make sure she was getting it right!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Micki's Library Night (spring session), April 30th

So sad... last night was the last night of the 8-Monday series of evenings with our little 1st-3rd graders at the library.  I will miss those dear little tykes during the summer months, but we do have more 'assignments' coming up.

Last night at the library, the volunteers had arranged  for the children to make little fabric dogs - to take home and read to during the summer months.  This was one of the little dogs ready to go home with her little reader!

The dear librarians had organized the evening beautifully - right down to thank-you cards for the dogs (one other dog) and cat (one cat) who volunteer with us.  Micki's card was delightful - love the quote on the front of the card..  but the inside of the card almost brought tears to my eyes...

Micki's card was signed by all of the little readers who she had listened to over the past 8 Monday nights.  These little kids seems genuinely sad that they would not be seeing us again for a while, and I will jump at the chance to return for the fall session.   

Who would have guessed that such a little sprite of a dog would meet so many people and live such an exciting (at least in the dog world) life of meeting children and adults!  It all started when she was seven weeks old.. (she is the one looking at the camera).  She was the tiniest in the litter of 8 puppies, but Nancy said that she was the most affectionate.  It was a sunny July day in 2007 when I brought her home.  It was a long drive home from Kankakee, IL, but she was a good traveler, and just whimpered occasionally.  I would pick her up out of her little soft-sided carrier and hold her against my chest until she fell back asleep, then I would set her back in her little carrier.  What a good puppy.

When we got home, she settled in and her new toys were just what she needed to distract her from the silence - and of course, Karina helped to keep her on her toes, too.
..and of course there were a number of naps necessary to build those strong bones and tiny sharp teeth !