Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Micki's Library Night (spring session), April 30th

So sad... last night was the last night of the 8-Monday series of evenings with our little 1st-3rd graders at the library.  I will miss those dear little tykes during the summer months, but we do have more 'assignments' coming up.

Last night at the library, the volunteers had arranged  for the children to make little fabric dogs - to take home and read to during the summer months.  This was one of the little dogs ready to go home with her little reader!

The dear librarians had organized the evening beautifully - right down to thank-you cards for the dogs (one other dog) and cat (one cat) who volunteer with us.  Micki's card was delightful - love the quote on the front of the card..  but the inside of the card almost brought tears to my eyes...

Micki's card was signed by all of the little readers who she had listened to over the past 8 Monday nights.  These little kids seems genuinely sad that they would not be seeing us again for a while, and I will jump at the chance to return for the fall session.   

Who would have guessed that such a little sprite of a dog would meet so many people and live such an exciting (at least in the dog world) life of meeting children and adults!  It all started when she was seven weeks old.. (she is the one looking at the camera).  She was the tiniest in the litter of 8 puppies, but Nancy said that she was the most affectionate.  It was a sunny July day in 2007 when I brought her home.  It was a long drive home from Kankakee, IL, but she was a good traveler, and just whimpered occasionally.  I would pick her up out of her little soft-sided carrier and hold her against my chest until she fell back asleep, then I would set her back in her little carrier.  What a good puppy.

When we got home, she settled in and her new toys were just what she needed to distract her from the silence - and of course, Karina helped to keep her on her toes, too.
..and of course there were a number of naps necessary to build those strong bones and tiny sharp teeth !

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